Everyone must complete our Foundations course before entering our general Strength & Conditioning classes.

It is designed to prepare you for our general S&C classes which you can enter once you complete the foundations course. We are going to be hammering technique both to ensure your safety and success at the next level.

The foundations course is a one week course, 3 sessions a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8pm. You must attend all classes.

Free Intro Session

Want to find out more about our Strength & Conditioning classes? Why not try our FREE into consultation session!!


– Brief overview of our how S&C  program works.

– We will discuss what you want from the program

-We will answer any questions you may have.

Give us a call or send an email and we can organise a one-to-one session at a time that is convenient for you.

John 0872534279 or Brian 087 949027 9

Latest Workouts

Strength: 5 x 3 Hang Power Clean Met Con: 3 Rounds of 400m Run 30 Wallballs 20lbs/14lbs 15 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24″/20″
Skill: Pull-up Final Week(6) (A)  5 x 3 Partner Assisted Pull-ups Or 4 x 12 Ring Rows, Max Effort Dead Hang (B) 5 x 3 Weighted Strict Pull-ups Max Effort Dead Hang Strength: 5 x 5 Back Squat Met Con: 8min AMRAP 5 Push Press 60kg/40kg 5 Bar Hopping Burpees  
Strength: Every 90 sec for 8 Rounds 1 Snatch High Pull 1 Hang Snatch 1 Snatch Met Con: EMOTM for 16min Odd min… 20-35 Double-Unders(aim for unbroken sets) Even min….Add one pull-up to last week Challenge Day 4: Complete 8,000 steps (Outside of training) Download an app that will track your steps. Samsung phones have Samsung